Wednesday, July 8, 2009

this is what he had said..

if let say that one day, i'm not in this world..without last word to say to u..without saying whats inside my heart infront of u face 2 will u will u feel..what ever it is, i know that u'll be fine..and if u were 2 be sad,don't be coz i were 2 be alone even i'm alive right now..i will always put u in a special place in my heart..i miss u..i miss u dearest..

td ak ber'skype' dgn die..iye yg no 1 itu..yg no 2 itu-ntah tp sntiasa ak ingt..yg no 3 itu menelefon ak semggu lps ak LI, berbual2 dan die mengatakn ak rndu ko le..yg no 4 itu lg le ak xtau, menjwp bile di tny sje..

p/s:ade sesuatu yg ak ptt bgtau kamu dan kamu berdua..


consultantsam said...


Sihat? Lama xdengar khabar...

miss h said...

w'salam..shat je..ko pe cer?..